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Custom stenography machines
Professional stenography machines can be costly. Learn more about the many alternative and affordable options in this post.
Exploring professional stenotype machines
Stenography machines are used to rapidly input text. I explore what features they have and what sets them apart.
Altered Minidox Case
I designed my own Minidox case to learn about 3D modelling and 3D printing.
Vertikeeb: Making a vertical keyboard, part 1
There are a great number of custom made keyboards out there. I’m interested in many of them, but I have a soft spot…
Transparant rotary encoder housing
Toying with the idea of adding backlight to a rotary encoder. You could rotate the lights with the encoder, or perhaps indicate the…
Fusion 360 Patterns: Recessed Chamfer
Applying a chamfer to an edge is easy in Fusion 360. In this tutorial I’ll teach you how to apply a recessed chamfer for a cool effect.
ClickLock: Let your operating system hold your mouse button for you when dragging
Using a mouse can be intensive. Use ClickLock on Windows or Drag Lock on Mac OSX to make it easier.
Prototype keyboard render
A render of a custom keyboard I’m currently designing.
QMK Basics: Leader Key, using sequences for shortcuts
With the Leader Key, you can replace complicated shortcuts with easy to remember sequences. In this post you’ll learn how to use it.
QMK Basics: Tap dance, or how to let a key do more with one, two, three
Tap Dance is a powerful feature in QMK that lets a key do something else when pressed more than once. Make it your own with this guide.

My name is Thomas Baart and I run, where I sell split mechanical keyboard kits.
On this blog you'll find posts that I've written before I started selling keyboards. For blog posts related to my shop, check out!